Malaga, renowned for its unique book fairs that take place in the city center. At the Paseo del Parque, the city will organise the 53rd edition of the Malaga book fair. This year, starting from April 26th until May 5th, another book fair will be happening in Malaga. At this book fair, there will be several activists and workshops, as well as signings and talks. Additionally, round table moments are part of the schedule and attendees can discuss the latest book releases.You can find various bookstores and publishers when you take a walk along the Paseo del Parque. There will be around fifty different stands with different themes and styles.
What to expect
On Friday, April 26th, visitors can enjoy a diverse selection of books by genre and theme. Grab the piece of literature you’re intrigued by, then head to Pequeteca and UNIA, the two main reading spaces where many book activities occur. Moreover, the MUPAM Auditorium, along with the Patio de Banderas and the UMA Rectorate, will contribute well to this fair.
On Saturday, April 27th, Justo Navarro will give an opening speech for the fair and activities. There will be a workshop on creating your mini-book, along with a roundtable discussion about writing from the margins. Additionally, you can join another workshop on writing your own story and enjoy some poster signing events by authors.
On the other hand, on Sunday, April 28th, there will be a presentation of “A todos nos falta algo” with a storytelling session. Just like the previous day, Sunday will also include a round table discussion but this time on mental health and suicide topic. Additionally, you get to attend an adult creative writing workshop and also meet the author and illustrator of Siempre alerta. Furthermore, there will be a club book reading session on the topic of “maneras de encontrar la cabeza” and a conversation about friendship between writers.
Schedule of the following week
The following Monday, the 29th of April, includes a book presentation on Malaga en las historias del sur and storytelling sessions. Surprisingly, musical tales will happen with Aida Laut and a literary vermouth event. Not to forget that, just like every previous day of the book fair, there will be round-table discussions. Last but not least, this day will also provide a presentation on the topic of “el inspector Segalarva” .
Tuesday, April 30th, brings back the Create Your Mini Book workshop so just in case you missed the first one, you can still try it. The day will be full of conversations about Malaga’s history and culture. Additionally, a book presentation will be held on “Cartas del Modernismo” with follow-up discussions.
On Wednesday, May 1st, we will both have a creative writing session and another Create Your Mini Book workshop. Three book presentations will be presented to visitors. One is about “Las Palacios y el Silencio,” and the other two are about “La Cuenca del Río Guadalmedina” and “Un día inolvidable.”. Moreover, you can enjoy a literary vermouth event on this sunny day.
On Thursday, a change in presentation style is on the schedule. The reading presentation will be dramatised to make it more entertaining. You can keep an eye out for book presentations and a storytelling session. Additionally, there will be an encounter with Gerald Brendan and Flamenco, along with the musical encounter “Brenan’s Favorite Flamenco Pieces.”.
last three days of the book fair
Friday, April 3rd, is a day where you’ll be able to meet the author Encarna Jerez and enjoy a theatricalized literary activity. As usual, book presentations will be held on two different topics, as will the round table discussions. One of the round table discussions will stray away from literature and focus on the current global issue of “stop genocide in Gaza.”.
Aida Laut will again share some musical tales on Saturday, May 4th, and you can meet author, Laura Borrás. Aside from the two book presentations planned, there will be a conference on “Malaga in the Heart of the Artistic Avant-Garde.”. Through literature, you will also be able to discover the richness of Malaga’s cuisine on this Saturday.
On the final day, Sunday, May 5, there will be a round table discussion on folklore. You get the chance to meet the author, María Kafritsas and also have an encounter with Sara Torres’s. The fair includes a candlelit oral storytelling activity specifically for adults, which is also planned as a closing activity. Not to forget book presentations on “como comida,” “el ultimo giro,” and “El cielo sostiene la tierra.”.