Harlem Globe Trotters Play in Malaga

Basketball lovers staying in Malaga are in for a treat. Harlem Globe Trotters, a world-famous basketball club, will bring their performance to Malaga. This game will take place on Saturday, May 22nd, at the Martín Carpena Sports Stadium. Before going into details about timing and cost, let us discuss a bit more about this club.

Who are they?

Formed in 1920 in Chicago, Illinois, the Harlem Globe Trotter’s team actually has its roots back in Harlem, New York City. The early 19th century was a time when racial segregation was widespread all over the United States. Despite this challenge, they managed to form a basketball team consisting of African-American players. Quickly after the team formation, they gained fame all over the continent due to their skills. Additionally, they have a theatrical style of play that includes comedic routines, which keeps viewers entertained.

They gained fame because of their most famous playing routine, “Magic Circle”. It’s a routine where the players pass the ball around in a coordinated order. This routine highly showcased their ball-handling skills, making the audience simply delighted.

Over the decades, Harlem Globe Trotters has toured around 120 countries. By playing exhibition games in global territories, they promoted sportsmanship, diversity and cultural exchange. Overall, the basketball industry is thankful for them, as they have made a significant contribution to the industry. Additionally, they have and are continuing to beat down racial barriers in sports. Not only did they help popularise basketball around the globe, but they also showed that sports are for everyone.

Currently, they are touring all around Spain from city to city and Malaga is on their list. The game is set to start off at 7pm on May 22, 2024. Tickets cost 50 euros and can be purchased online. So, what are you waiting for? How iconic would it be to see such a legendary basketball club perform live?